GEO Jobe Achieves the Esri Release Ready Specialty Designation

GEO Jobe was recently designated as being Release Ready – the latest designation for the Esri partner network. This designation will be proudly displayed by GEO Jobe in our booths at Esri conferences, within the Esri Partner Directory, and on all solicitations related to the company.

What Is it?

It is dedication. The Release Ready Specialty designation showcases Esri business partners with expertise and initiative adopting the latest versions of Esri technology. To GEO Jobe, it is recognition of long days of hard work providing the best practices and best technology to the GIS community. To others, it is a symbol of dedication to our craft and our willingness to provide our services.

It is technical. Some of the requirements for the Release Ready Speciality are providing services to the latest Esri technology. In addition, it is training and certifying staff on the latest capabilities of ArcGIS (congratulations to our Solution Engineer, Nick Lawalin on his latest certification). Similarly, partners also need to be able to provide assistance for customers looking to upgrade and migrate to the newest versions of the Esri stack.

It is being ready for change. GEO Jobe works to identify and prepare for future changes in the GIS industry. This includes getting others prepared to take the full advantage of ArcGIS Online for all their web GIS needs. Furthermore, having the experienced staff to provide support to other companies during changes in the ecosystem. GEO Jobe strives to be in the front of changes in technology, even when leading those changes.

What Does It Mean?

It means opportunity. The Esri Partner Network designations identify partners that can provide the best solution for specific needs.  Other partners can search the Partner Directory for specific designations to complete new projects. In other words, GEO Jobe is available and ready to tackle emerging needs from our other partners when called upon.

It means importance. Partners carrying the Release Ready Specialty designation can provide feedback directly to Esri Development teams. This can help better enrich future releases of Esri technology. Additionally, it allows everyone to benefit from a unified strategy that best works for the growth and innovation within the GIS industry. Above all, this showcases how important business partners, like GEO Jobe, are to Esri when planning for the future.

It means recognition. This designation recognizes GEO Jobe for:

  • Keeping pace with Esri technology
  • Having industry expertise
  • Offering solutions, services, or content based on the latest Esri software
  • Helping users make smart decisions using the ArcGIS platform

All-in-all, it really just means more.

Where Did It Come From?

It came from Esri. This latest ArcGIS Specialty for Esri Partners was officially announced in the middle 2018. It rolled out with just several partners at release. Esri’s president had these words to say during the initial announcement:

“ArcGIS Online is transforming the way organizations manage and share their spatial data with internal stakeholders and external customers. The ArcGIS Online Specialty allows us to recognize and collaborate with our partners that have embraced ArcGIS Online and are helping users succeed.” (Jack Dangermond, President, Esri)

It came from past experiences. This is the third specialty designation Esri has awarded GEO Jobe. In addition to being an innovator in the ArcGIS Marketplace, GEO Jobe has been awarded these other specialty designations:

  • ArcGIS Online Specialty: Recognizing GEO Jobe’s capability to implement and extend both Esri ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Portal
  • ArcGIS for Local Government Specialty: Identifying GEO Jobe’s ability to assist partners who want to deploy ArcGIS for Local Governments

“I am so excited that GEO Jobe has been recognized for our efforts to keep up with the latest in ArcGIS technology. Our team strives to maintain a level of excellence when it comes to assisting our customers in making intelligent decisions based on the latest ArcGIS best practices and technologies.”  (David Hansen, COO, GEO Jobe)

Where Are We Going?

GEO Jobe is charging into 2019! Coming soon are great new products. The crew is eagerly awaiting the release of ArcGIS 10.7! Make sure you get in touch with us for any upgrading opportunities!

Stay tuned for more great things to come!

GEO Jobe would also like to congratulate our colleagues at Vestra and con terra for announcing their Release Ready Specialty designation!

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