Lewisburg, TN
The Lewisburg water utility is a GEO Jobe GIS Consulting client, contracting GEO Jobe for a number of services, including mapping their utility assets and network. GEO Jobe secured a contract to provide base mapping services and feature extraction for the City of Lewisburg. We used photogrammetry to create orthomosaics to assist the client in capturing and updating GIS features for Emergency 911 address databases, facility management, asset location, and building information models. Additionally, a side product we a created in the form of a 3D model for City marketing and planning uses.
UAV mapping for new construction of a 500 acre subdivision update with water lines.
The construction industry, in particular, has been a large and growing sector for our UAV Services group. Many benefits are realized by these clients who are electing to employ UAV data capture technologies and methods. Most notably, UAV data capture is safe and secure, can be flown relatively quickly, and data products are accurate and detailed. In addition to the derivative data products, analysis and reports delivered the clients can also obtain updated ortho photography and digital basemaps for future mapping, digital contour map layers, DEM and 3D data products. Monitoring construction job sites keep projects on track, on budget and ensures safe practices!
Orthophotography updates, ideal for local government, utilities and others needing GIS data updates. UAV orthophoto update project for West Wilson Utilities District, Wilson County. The project has resulted in significant cost savings for the district and now the region is the envy of surrounding agencies, being in the fortunate situation where instead of the Orthophotos being the most out of date GIS layer (as is very common), their Orthos are leading the change detection and data capture processes.
Professional Flight mission planning and data coverage reporting while our UAV/UAS (drone) based data capture crews get in, get out, start the analysis, and finally, deliver a high quality product, often at a cost to clients that blows their mind! Indeed, the combination of our experience and expertise in GIS, the ArcGIS ecosystem, custom application development, and GEOPowered Cloud technology provides us with a huge advantage over other UAV service providers – a message that we’re proud to share!
GEO Jobe flew the entire campus in order to provide up to date maps, orthophotos, and a highly accurate digital basemap.