A visit to Denver, Colorado for the GIS in the Rockies conference #GISITR at the University of Denver. Enjoy this #GeoGeekinCars Geotech interview at GIS in the Rockies, 2016 where Glenn and Brady discuss Augmented Reality, the Argis platform, Unity, Esri startups and look at Pokemon Go and how the popular game is built on a GIS platform.
Argis Solutions, an Esri small business solution partner and award winner!
See also:
- http://argissolutions.com
- Learn about the argis framework in this video
- Find Brady @adequis on Twitter
Glenn (@gletham), our GEO spatial evangelist, hits the road periodically to take in GIS events (like the GIS in the Rockies event in Denver, CO) and is always glad to try and connect with ArcGIS users, GeoTech enthusiasts and GeoGeeks from all walks. If you’d like to do an interview with him comment here or tweet us @geojobegis to connect.