Backup My Org

Relax, Santa. We’re Taking Care Of This Wish List Item.

The Solution You’ve been Asking For Is Now Here!

All the ArcGIS Administrators out there must have been very good this year, because a big, BIG wish for many of them is about to come true (just in time for the holidays). Backup My Org is the Backup, RESTORE, AND Migration solution that represents the most common requests that GEO Jobe GIS Consulting is solving as part of the “ABC’s of GIS”. With Backup My Org, Administrators will be able to perform on-demand and scheduled backups of all,or a portion of their ArcGIS items, users, and groups to a mapped drive. But it doesn’t just stop at Backups…

Restore, Restore, Restore!

We believe a solution that only backs up ArcGIS content is only half a solution. It’s only appropriate that Backup My Org also provides a restore workflow with a simple, clean interface that can apply to either the entire backup or a more granular recovery of specific items, users and groups. Not only can administrators restore this content to the same Organization, but also another (licensed) organization for a much more powerful migration process if you have multiple environments, such as production, development, and testing.

Bonus Dependencies Visualizer and Rewiring Wizard!

Also included in Backup My Org is an awesome-looking dependencies visualizer that will help show what items will be backed-up or restored. No more spreadsheets and comparing lists to each other. This interactive visualizer will let you click on a specific item, and highlight the dependencies of what is being used throughout the organization.This also represents something that many ArcGIS Administrators have been needing (or when they see it in action, they realize they do need it)! As part of the restore process, there is also a dependency requiring wizard that will let you set up, remember, and re-map services from one organization to another one.

Part Of GEO Jobe’s “ABC’s of GIS!”

With the release of Backup My Org, we now have a potent combination of solutions for the ArcGIS Administrator who needs to streamline and simplify their responsibilities and duties. You can check out a quick showcase of our ABC’s of GIS, here which covers Admin Tools for ArcGIS, Backup My Org, and Clean My Org here:

If you’re interested in or have any questions about Backup My Org, or any of the ABC’s of GIS, please reach out to us at and let us know!

Head of Customer Support