Join GEO Jobe at the 2019 MS Geospatial Conference

The last quarter of the year is always a busy one for GEO Jobe, and this one will be no different. To kick things off, we are proud to announce that we are one of the sponsor’s of this year’s Mississippi Geospatial Conference. Read on to learn more about the conference, and what you can expect from GEO Jobe there.

The 7th Annual Mississippi Geospatial Conference will be held this year.

Mississippi Geospatial Conference

This year will see the 7th Annual Mississippi Geospatial Conference take place. Hosted each year in Long Beach, Mississippi, the conference serves as a gathering of geospatial professionals from throughout Mississippi and the surrounding areas. As in years past, the MGC is organized by MAST – the Mississippi Association of Spatial Technologists. As a testament to the growth and value of the conference, this year there are more than ten sponsors – including GEO Jobe.

Who Will Be There

This year, the Mississippi Geospatial Conference will see continued growth – both in terms of sponsors and attendees. At the MGC, attendees will gather to present research, discuss the future of GIS in the local community, and connect with each other. The conference is also open to students, and The University of Southern Mississippi and Delta State University always have a large presence. Students will have the opportunity to meet and network with local professionals and learn from people experienced in GIS. Furthermore, this year will see the continuation of the poster competition, at which two students in GIS may win scholarships. These scholarships are funded by MAST’s Memberships, Sponsors and Scholarships Committee.

Ashleigh Price placed first in last year’s poster competition for her entry, ” Vector Data Based Suitability Analysis and Probabilistic Hazard Modeling to Characterize Offender Hazard Vulnerability in Coastal Mississippi”.

GEO Jobe Participation

Many GEO Jobe employees are members of MAST, the association organizing the MGC. As such, we are proud to find ourselves among the list of sponsors for this year’s conference. We will also have a table at the conference, where we are happy to meet with attendees to discuss our various products, Managed Services, custom solutions, and UAV. Additionally, three members of our Center for Research and Engineering will be presenting at the conference. Director of Professional Services Eric Goforth will be presenting on “Hurdles Related to Developing Enterprise Web GIS Applications”. Courtney Kirkham, one of GEO Jobe’s Application Developers, will be presenting on “Benefits of Dynamic Campus Viewers”. Last, but not least, our newest Jr. Application Developer, Brice Jones, will be talking about “Using the Data Driven Documents (D3) Library for Visualizing your ArcGIS Data Relationships”.


Jim Steil, Director of MARIS and President of MAST, notes “The MS Geospatial Conference is incredibly valuable to both the individual attendees and the state as a whole. The new knowledge and relationships serve everyone well in efficiently solving problems throughout the year.” We at GEO Jobe agree, and are honored to be a part of the many organizations working together to make conference happen. If you will be attending, stop by the GEO Jobe booth and say hi; we’d love to meet you! If you can’t make it this year, follow us on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Photo of Courtney Menikheim. They are about 5 foot 7, have hair cropped close to their head, except for the top, which hangs over by their jawline. They are smiling at the camera. They wear glasses.

Chief Support Officer

Courtney started at GEO Jobe as an intern. Through dedication and hard work, they have worked their way through the company and now serve as our Chief Support Officer. When they aren't helping design and build software, Courtney enjoys playing board games, spending time with their dogs, and gardening.