GEO Jobe Welcomes Industry Veteran, Glenn Letham, as Geo Evangelist, CMO

Hello and welcome to my first official duty with GEO Jobe as the newly appointed Geo Evangelist & Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), my introduction blog post. Given that I’m likely widely known by many in the industry as a long time blogger (geo blogging since 1998) it seemed to be the appropriate thing to do!

Gletham and Zoe

In my role here at GEO Jobe I’ll be charged with all the usual marketing tasks that one would expect from the Manager including software/services brand evangelism, community outreach, communications, lead generation, blogging, and much more. Those of you familiar with me may know that I’m from Victoria, BC, Canada and yes indeed, I will continue to live and work from the Island (with my best gal Zoe closeby – see photo), although that is nothing new to me, having worked from a home-based office and/or satellite office for the past 12 years – believe me, it isn’t for everyone, in case you get the itch! Working with a Southern crew, most located in Nashville TN and Biloxi, is also pretty exciting as I’m pretty familiar with that part of the country, having lived for 4 years on the Florida Panhandle in early 2000, heck, my youngest daughter was even born down there so a visit to our Southern offices  will be a treat and a bit of a homecoming – some good southern BBQ, mudbugs, and gumbo will be a sweet bonus!

To say that I’m stoked would be an understatement. Here with GEO Jobe I have an opportunity to work along side a group of passionate, young, talented, hard working developers and GeoGeeks who have built some of the top Esri-based tools that are found in the ArcGIS Marketplace. Additionally, the team provides services and solutions that build on the ArcGIS platform and serve a broad spectrum of industries including Government, Utilities, Energy, Academia and more. This really is an exciting opportunity for me and I’m looking forward to getting to know the user community and also extend the reach of the company to new clients and users.

I look forward to informing, enlightening, educating, and evangelizing to the GeoTech community about news, tips, tricks, and more about our Admin Tools, GEOPowered Cloud, Mapfolio, Web Maps for WordPress solutions and more.  Should you ever want to know more about these solutions or some of the very cool services that the team at GEO Jobe can provide, be sure to look me up right here on our site, connect with me as usual via Twitter @gletham or just give us a call!

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Note: Huge thanks to my team at Spatial Media (think GISuser) who have shown me much support in making this transition. Rest assured that I am still involved with the group and am proudly involved and participating as a board member and Editorial Advisor so don’t worry, the fabulous resource I’ve helped build the past 12 years will remain awesome! 

Keywords: gletham, press, hires



GEOspatial Evangelist & CMO

Geographer, GIS professional, writer, and fan of all things mobile.

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