Pictured from left: Danny Menikheim, GEO Jobe’s Chief Operating Officer; Kim Grantham, Baron Weather’s VP of Marketing; Marc Krasner, VP of Enterprise Sales at Baron Weather; David Hansen, CEO of GEO Jobe; Courtney Menikheim, GEO Jobe’s Chief Support Officer; Eric Goforth, GEO Jobe’s Chief Technology Officer; and Corey Baker, Director of Sales for GEO Jobe.
In June 2024, GEO Jobe announced a new partnership with Baron Weather, a weather technology company based in Huntsville, Alabama. The collaboration emerged through their mutual membership in the Esri Partner Network and both organizations’ desire to take customer service to the next level. Together, our goal is to provide clients access to geospatial and weather-related resources, data, and technologies they might not otherwise have.
Here’s a brief Q&A with Marc Krasner, Vice President of Enterprise Sales at Baron Weather, about the partnership.
GJ: Tell us a little about Baron Weather’s history and it’s mission today.
Krasner: In 1989, Huntsville, Alabama, experienced the fury of an F4 tornado, sparking a transformative moment for Baron Weather. Since then, our mission has been clear: to provide life-saving meteorological tools for critical moments. Today, our energy focuses on ensuring global safety, organizational efficiency, and sustainability.
Integrating Baron’s weather intelligence into Esri’s platform enables companies to access clear-cut weather insights and gives them the capacity to perform a robust analysis of data values and graphical data to identify affected assets, properties, and locations quickly.
GJ: What inspired this partnership between Baron Weather and GEO Jobe?
Krasner: A fellow Esri Partner suggested a meeting between our two organizations would be highly beneficial. We made plans to meet with GEO Jobe at an Esri event. Coincidentally, during that same event, we discovered our booths were adjacent, which led to extensive conversations that revealed a great potential for a new client-serving relationship between us.
GJ: What does this partnership mean for both companies and respective clients/customers?
Krasner: This partnership is a significant win for GEO Jobe and Baron customers. With overlapping clientele in various industries, the collaboration allows for the seamless integration of services. For Baron customers seeking ArcGIS apps and solutions, GEO Jobe’s expertise can help them augment their existing infrastructure or extend it through their organization.
Similarly, GEO Jobe’s clients needing top-tier weather data can receive the best-in-class intelligence to master weather-related challenges and ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations, thus reinforcing their competitive edge. So, this partnership creates a mutually beneficial scenario for all customers involved.
GJ: How has Esri enabled or influenced this collaboration, and how do you feel it lends to their initiative to bring Esri Partners together?
Krasner: Esri has a robust ecosystem with approximately 3,000 partners. The beauty of this ecosystem is that a vast array of solutions are offered, and there’s a high likelihood of discovering Esri partners who share the same mission, values, and passion we have. Collaborating with partners to assist customers fosters mutual business growth and contributes to the Esri ecosystem’s expansion. As this ecosystem flourishes, it propels the growth and development of our businesses, enabling us, GEO Jobe and Esri, to make a more significant and positive impact on the world.
GJ: Why do you think it’s important or valuable for Esri Partners to work together?
Krasner: GEO Jobe is well-known for being a prestigious and trustworthy integrator for Esri. This partnership signifies a level of trust and credibility. In essence, both Baron and GEO Jobe have done the vetting for their customers upfront. Customers who work with GEO Jobe can trust in the collaboration as both parties have confidence in each other’s capabilities to provide valuable assistance that will result in a seamless, positive, and impactful outcome.
GJ: What does Baron Weather look forward to about partnering with GEO Jobe, and how do you feel GEO Jobe can contribute to your company’s success and service to customers?
Krasner: GEO Jobe has an extensive customer base and includes many organizations that are part of our target audience for weather data services. By actively engaging with these shared customers, Baron aims to provide them with essential weather data they need to effectively navigate severe weather and other conditions, ensuring the safety of their people, assets, and business operations.
Interested in more about Baron Weather and its weather solutions?
Visit them at baronweather.com, and follow them on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, X).
About Baron Weather
When it comes to weather intelligence, precision matters in terms of meteorological hardware, software, and data for organizations. Baron’s world-class scientists continuously invent new, more effective ways to provide superior weather intelligence. As a partner with the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), Baron collaborates with Esri to support customers with business solutions and help customers maximize their geographic information system (GIS) and location technology investments. Baron products are used in numerous industries such as automotive, transportation, aviation, insurance, marine, government, and media. Currently, 226 million people have access to Baron weather intelligence through major media outlets in North America.