Video – Enhanced Security for ArcGIS Server – security.manager in a Nutshell

Recall, recently, GEO Jobe announced a partnership deal with con terra, making security.manager ArcGIS Edition more accessible to the North American market and beyond. By becoming an official re-seller of con terra Technologies, GEO Jobe now offers security.manager to existing and new customers both in the US and globally. What is security.manager? This demonstration video from con terra explains.


Spatial permissions in ArcGIS Server, authorization of individual features, layer-level control – all impossible in ArcGIS? Not if security.manager is used.

About security.manager for ArcGIS Server

security.manager – ArcGIS Edition allows the assignment of individual access permissions to different user groups, thereby ensuring that everyone gets access only to what they are entitled to see.

security.manager controls access to services, right down to spatial and feature level. You stay in control of the level of information provided to individual users, meaning you can provide different groups with varying levels of access to a single service, greatly reducing the efforts and costs required to achieve your goals.

con terra security.manager is shipped in two editions:

• security.manager Enterprise Edition

The Enterprise Edition has been in the market for more than ten years. During this time, it has grown to a mature and widely used GIS security system, offering a full set of capabilities. Besides controlling access to services, it provides many integration possibilities for enterprise IT landscapes. It can connect to existing user repositories, provides cross-application and cross-domain single-sign-on based on SAML 2.0, supports multiple authentication methods up to the Windows log-in and can protect different service implementations, including ArcGIS and OGC services, etc.

• security.manager – ArcGIS Edition

ArcGIS Edition works right in ArcGIS for Server. Being implemented as a Server Object Interceptor (SOI), security.manager – ArcGIS Edition is not added to, but is integrated into a service. Deployed as an extension, it also integrates seamlessly into the ArcGIS Server Manager application, in order to extend the authorization capabilities of ArcGIS for Server.

Source: con terra

See for more information on security.manager – ArcGIS Edition.

security manager

Attending the 2018 ESRIUC? Look for GEO Jobe and con terra on the exhibition hall floor

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