2018 Esri EPC & DevSummit – The Geo Jobe Team Shares What We’re Looking Forward To

March is almost here, Spring is in the air, and for the crew here at GEO Jobe that means DevSummit is just around the corner – always a big week for us! So why do we look forward to DevSummit each year? In addition to this being our chance to hear directly from Esri Developers and software engineers, the week is also a great team building time for us, an educational opportunity, and provides some important networking. A little sunshine is always a nice bonus too!

GEO Jobe at EPC and DevSummit
GEO Jobe at EPC and DevSummit

We reached out to our team and are glad to share what we are all looking forward to this year at DevSummit.

Ken Doman, GEO Jobe Solution Engineer @raykendo

I”m excited about attending the ESRI Developer Summit in a couple weeks. This will be my third time attending, and my second time presenting. The Developer Summit is a great opportunity to chat with the people behind the products that ESRI offers. I look forward to discussing tech and presenting my laundry list of issues with the helpful developers and staff at ESRI. Putting a human face and voice to the names I see in the forums makes me understand them more. I also look forward to seeing what other people are doing with the technology, and what challenges ESRI will attempt next. As a presenter, I’m delighted to talk about my Chrome plugin for ArcGIS REST Services. It’s scheduled for Wednesday, March 7 in Mesquite C from 4:00 pm – 4:25 pm. I hope to see you there!

Ken Doman

David Hansen, GEO Jobe COO @dhansen601

From David… Shortly I’ll be in Palm Springs, CA for the Esri Business Partner Conference and I will be staying the whole week so I can also attend the Esri Developer Summit. This will be my 5th consecutive year engaging in this spring ritual, but it will be my first conference as GEO Jobe’s COO. This annual trip is something I have come to look forward to for many reason. On this trip, I get to see my friends in the industry ( along with making new friends ), learn about new tech, and I get to bring my ideas, concerns, and questions directly to Esri staff. I’m looking forward to seeing you all out there. If you see me walking around, then please come up to me and say hi. I love talking with everyone. Last year I sat down after the conference and filmed a post-event interview which was fun – perhaps we’ll do it again! See you in Palm Springs! 

P.S: Looking forward to seeing my friends from GeoMarvel, Datastory, and Esri.

David (far right) networking at the Esri Startup Social, DevSummit 2017

Neill Jobe, CEO @NeillJobe

This will be my 11th EPC and visit to Palm Springs. Find me Monday in the Solutions Expo at booth #113, near the Startup Zone and right beside the bar!  What I’m looking forward to:

  • Meeting up with friends that I’ve come to know over the last 18yrs.
  • Checking out the new Esri tech, where they’re headed, what’s new, etc.
  • Visiting the Startups Zone. Love to hear about new ways the technology is being used other than how to map a water meter.
  • The weather in Palm Springs

What I’m hoping to learn.

  • More about ArcGIS Pro and its LiDAR classification tools and feature extraction capabilities.
  • Support for 3D meshes and higher level of detail caches in webscenes.
Neill (left) and David Hansen unwinding at devSummit

Nick Lawalin, Solution Engineer @nicklawalin

Nick is a long-time GEO Jobe-er, having advanced to a senior developer position after several years of experience and dedication to the company. Note, Nick focuses on education and learning while at DevSummit, polishing his skills in various programming languages and getting up to speed on ArcGIS enterprise scale solutions that he will implement with our clients. Note, Nick is also a defending Dodgeball Champ and hopes to join a team to repeat again in 2018!  From Nick… “I always keep a list of “issues” I run into throughout the year.  I look forward to walking the floor and picking the brains of the people that build the software to get their insights.”

Nick (top center) and the team from the Dodgeball Tourney 2017

Glenn Letham, CMO @gletham

DevSummit is simply awesome! After 19 years attending ESRIUC I find DevSummit to be a really nice, more compact, and more focused event – it really is a great place to get down to business! I think this will be either #3 or #4 for me. As far as presentations, I enjoy the “Road Ahead” talks and hearing about what’s coming next.  Other presenters that I enjoy include Dave Bouwman (I’ll check on his talk time), Andy Gup catches me up on JavaScript, Jeff Shaner and crew inform me about mobile app developments (Collector, Survey123), Mansour Raad is always AMAZING to listen to, and I love any presentations with the title “Lightning Talk”. After hours  the startup social is a MUST for me and I hope to meet the CEOs of all the new startup companies. I’m also looking forward to seeing Nick Lawalin repeat with a dodgeball team ;0). This year I’ll also be looking forward to hearing from our own Ken and his talk mentioned above. Finally, I enjoy interviewing people, either in the car in one of my GeoGeeksinCars videos or via a walk-around on site. In the past I filmed drives with Esri tech leads like Bern Szukalski, Lauren Bennett, Jim Barry and many others. You can view all the archived GeoGeeksincars videos HERE


Glenn, socializing with Esri Business Partners, Blue Raster after hours.
Glenn, socializing with Esri Business Partners, Blue Raster after hours.

Thanks for listening and we look forward to seeing you i Palm Springs. Be sure to check out our Story Map for more about our planned activities!

Useful Weblinks:

See also our news release,  GEO Jobe to share “The Power of GIS, Simplified” at the 2018 Esri Partner Conference and DevSummit


GEOspatial Evangelist & CMO

Geographer, GIS professional, writer, and fan of all things mobile.