Clean My Org 1.5 Update

Clean My Org’s 1.5 update is here with many new scans, improvements, and bug fixes to improve your ArcGIS administration experience. CleanMyOrg features new item scans to check web map layers for mismatched IDs and URLs, find orphaned code attachments not attached to any items, and scans for items with blank terms of use, summary, and credit attributions. You can also check for groups with outstanding requests to join, as well as check for users that are invalid or have a storage size over a specified limit.

Clean My Org 1.5 also features some new improvements such as the ability to save your favorite scan settings, secure logins that require an ArcGIS login, weekly emails for expired credentials and much more.

New Clean My Org 1.5 Item Scans

New Scans

Web map layers with mismatched IDs and URLs

This scan will check each web map for operational layers where the URLs do not match the URL of the Item ID. Mismatched IDs can cause linking issues in the ArcGIS Organization’s item page.

Code attachments not attached to any item

This service can detect code attachments that no longer have a parent item and give you resolution options for cleaning.

Items with blank fields

Clean My Org 1.5 features 3 new scans for checking items with blank Access Use Constraints (Terms of Use on the ArcGIS item page), blank summary field, or blank credits (attributions).

New Group Scan for 1.5

Groups with outstanding requests to join

With this scan, Clean My Org will check all of your groups and alert you if any groups have outstanding requests to join, freeing you from checking each group individually.

New User Scans

Users that are invalid

This scan checks different user list fetches from the ArcGIS REST API for rare occurrences where a user may be fetched in one and not the other, denoting a problem with the user.

Users whose total storage is greater than X

This useful scan will give you a report of all of your organization’s users that have storage greater than a certain size.

New Improvements

Save Favorite Scans

In Clean My Org 1.5, you can now save your favorite On-Demand and Scheduled scans. This can be a big time saver for if you have a lot of detailed scans with custom fields that you use repeatedly.

You can save and load favorite scans at the top right of the page
After clicking Load Favorite Scans, select your scan to apply the settings

ArcGIS Login option for client page

CleanMyOrg 1.5 offers an additional security authentication option for the client page by requiring an ArcGIS login from your organization to proceed to Clean My Org. In order to use this feature, be sure to set the enabled field to true for the useArcGISAuth field in the nodeconfig.json in your config folder of your root Clean My Org installation.

New ArcGIS authentication option for Clean My Org

Additional Improvements

  • Weekly email for expired credentials
  • Scheduled Scans: Expand Schedule Options including “First Day of the Week/Month”
  • Delete Resolution: Added force delete workflow to delete items with delete protection
  • Scan Results: Add filtering for all fields of the table
  • “Case-Sensitive” toggle for Scans against specific text strings.
  • Issue notice for registered service scans that are 403 with domain proxy issues
  • Added custom header support for fetch operations

Bug Fixes

  • Registered and Hosted Services with invalid responses scan improvements for Tile MapServers
  • Modify Items with duplicate Title, Tags and Type to make Tags and Type optional
  • Fix for first time save crash fix for email settings
  • Fix for CSV not exporting correctly for groups with duplicate group issues scan results

More information on Clean My Org

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