Esri StoryMaps Take GPT Airport to New Heights

The Gulfport – Biloxi International Airport (GPT) is experiencing growth that depends on the economic development of its parcels for revenue. The existing solution of marketing the available properties was not providing the desired engagement and they knew there must be a better way. When Esri’s partner GEO Jobe introduced them to the power of StoryMaps, they immediately experienced positive results.

GPT International Airport

The method GPT uses to market their parcels is noninteractive for the end users and has not produced the desired results. With the available parcels buried on their website, it was hard for potential investors to find, and did not provide all of the information they needed. GPT was flooded with emails from developers seeking more information about the property. They needed an interactive way to convey all the necessary information in one solution.

Their top priority was a customized application that would be user-friendly, engaging to end users, and able to answer questions. The challenges were digesting the UAV footage and digitizing the pdfs GPT provided. This processing took time, but provided the foundation for the customized maps displayed in the StoryMap.

GPT is already utilizing ArcGIS Online, which gave them an advantage when deploying their economical development StoryMap. The existing hosted layers on GPT’s AGOL made it easier for data manipulation by eliminating the need to publish new layers. Additionally, GPT provided UAV footage and marketing images.

GEO Jobe used these layers and assets to create a custom interactive marketing board highlighting the 241-acre parcel. This StoryMap provides comprehensive answers to the deluge of questions GPT receives. Now, instead of a static listing, potential developers can access the parcel information through an interactive and engaging story. Just one click allows the user to easily find all their answers!

GPT published the StoryMap showcasing the available parcel and instantly received positive feedback from other development organizations! These organizations saw the StoryMap and wanted to know how they could do that for their listings. 

The StoryMap has saved the Director of Planning & Business Development time by having all information in one place for public interaction. GPT no longer needs to send a PDF flyer to describe the parcel or explain how to navigate to the information on their website. They don’t have to track down files, ensure a drawing is current, or fight with a file too large to send through email. The StoryMap is easy for GPT to manage and share with others and by embedding it on their website they have made it front and center.

GEO Jobe’s CEO, David Hansen and Vice President of Operations, Danny Menikheim introduced GPT to the idea of using a StoryMap. GEO Jobe’s Solution Engineer, Randee Miller worked closely with GPT’s Planning and Business Development team to construct the StoryMap based on their needs. GEO Jobe’s UAV Business Development manager Reed Davis, assisted with UAV footage and processing. GPT’s team for this project consisted of Don Shepley, Director of Planning and Business Development, and Chaille Munn, Director of Marketing. 

GPT’s team for this project consisted of Don Shepley, Director of Planning and Business Development, and Chaille Munn, Director of Marketing. GEO Jobe’s Solution Engineer, Randee Miller worked closely with them to make the StoryMap based on their needs.

Don Shepley, Director of Planning and Business Development

“During the pandemic potential economic developers were not traveling or visiting property sites, but instead were window shopping online. The ESRI storyboard has proven indispensable to present the Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport’s Project Ready site in a powerful, friendly and easy-to-use format online.” – Don Shepley, Director of Planning and Business Development.


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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!