GEO Jobe Employee Spotlight – Meet Blake Bilbo

GEO Jobe has gone through a bit of change over the past year, as a result our team has grown and a few faces have changed. We thought it would be fun to introduce some of the faces behind the company to our readers, users, customers, and partners. We’re kicking off our Employee Spotlights by introducing you to Blake Bilbo, our support Engineer. Blake joined the team in mid 2016 and holds responsibilities in customer service, community engagement and support.  We’ve shared a short Q & A with Blake to help get to know him a little better and learn a little more about our team.

Q: Hi Blake, so, what is your role at GEO Jobe?

A: I get to bother random people in the company when things aren’t working for customers. It’s very fulfilling.

Q: What is your Educational background?

A: Geography.

Q: What were you up to before life at GEO Jobe?

A: I was the guy you talked to when you broke your iPhone. Before that, I was part of a team that shot lasers from planes. And before that, rural Japanese children called me “Sensei.”

Q: What attracted you to joining the GEO Jobe team?

A: Great individuals and a complete lack of corporate bureaucracy.

Q: Is there any specific project or task that you really enjoy(ed) working on? Describe a bit and why

A: I like that I was able to assemble a Knowledge Base for the customers. Sometimes, you don’t always want to pick up a phone or send an email, now customers can search for solutions online!

Q: If you were asked to take some training in the near future what would you like to learn more about?

A: Virtual Reality! I’m already an enthusiast, and there’s so many applications VR can have for various industries.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of the office?

A: I’m a father and a gamer. Both, coincidentally, involve elements of stealth, managing resources, and periodically screaming “How did that happen?!”

Q: What kind of technology do you prefer and why? (Mac or PC, iOS or Android, and other cool tech)

A: For Mobility, I prefer iOS, but for work and gaming, it’s the glorious PC master race, all the way.

Q: If you weren’t in the career that you are right now what could you imagine yourself doing?

A: International Jewel Thief? That seems to be a dying industry… We really need to bring elaborate heists and disguises back into the mainstream.

Q: Is there one or two things on your desk or in your office that you absolutely couldn’t do without?

A: A notebook, and a banana hanger: I still jot down everything on a notebook before getting it onto my laptop or phone, and the banana hanger its a classy place to keep my headset when I’m not wearing it.

Q: Do you socialize on social media? I so, what’s your favorite resource to use and why?

A: I still find LinkedIn very useful professionally for networking, but people really need to stop treating it like Facebook, or a Dating Service (yes, I’ve seen that).

Thanks for playing along with us Blake! You can connect with Blake via our contact form and you can also connect with him via Live chat many hours of the day via the “Live Chat” capability on our website (see icon lower right). Pretty soon you’ll also be able to take advantage of an awesome KnowledgeBase that Blake has been building out. It promises to be a great resource for our Admin Tools and GEO powered Cloud users! Stay Tuned on that one.

Note, we periodically have career opportunities here at GEO Jobe. Be sure to watch our Careers section

Read articles by Blake




GEOspatial Evangelist & CMO

Geographer, GIS professional, writer, and fan of all things mobile.