Q&A with Alexandra Steadman

Here is a short Q & A with Project Manager, Alexandra Steadman. Alexandra joined the GEO Jobe team in September of 2020 and is based out of our Center for Research and Engineering (C.R.E.) in Gulfport, MS.

Alexandra in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Q: What is your job at GEO Jobe, and what does it entail?

A: I am a Project Manager at GEO Jobe. My duties entail a variety of tasks including project planning and monitoring, procedure enforcement, streamlining process improvement, and providing support to the goals and objectives of GEO Jobe. I mainly focus on the client aspect to ensure project milestones are met. I provide an open line of communication with clients to make them aware of timelines, ensure accurate cost estimates, and to provide clear communication throughout the duration of each project. Ultimately, this is to promote transparency between GEO Jobe and each of our clients.

Q: What attracted you to join the GEO Jobe team?

A: I was ready for a career change and was looking for something more in line with my education. I wanted to be a part of something where I could make a difference while utilizing my skills and talents. From learning about GEO Jobe products, services, standards, and goals, I was intrigued. After meeting with the CEO, David Hanson, and the Director of Operations, Danny Menikheim, it was clear to me that what you do at GEO Jobe matters. They value the input and dedication of their employees and this was a team I wanted to be a part of.

Q: What jobs and experiences have led you to your present position?

A: I come from a military family and as a result, have been all over the United States. However, I have spent the majority of my life in Alaska, where I am originally from, and have recently relocated to Gulfport, MS. Prior to joining the GEO Jobe team, I worked my way up from a work-study to an office administrator at the Department of Veterans Affairs while completing an MBA with an emphasis in project management.

During my time within the government sector, I gained experience in program management, contracting, and general project management. Through my experiences, I realized my passion lies in project management. I’m a natural problem solver; if I don’t have an answer or resolution, I will find one. I enjoy the challenges that come with each project and finding ways to overcome those challenges while meeting stakeholder needs.

Lavender fields in Seward, Alaska.

Q: What particular skills or talents are most essential to be successful in your job?

A: Organization and time management skills are essential to be successful as a Project Manager. As a Project Manager, you may be pulled in all different directions. Maintaining a process to stay organized will help you manage your time efficiently to ultimately keep projects running smoothly.

Q: Any advice for recent graduates entering the job market and aspiring to a similar role?

A: Use every experience, big or small, as a learning opportunity. Dive in with an open mind and the desire to learn. Additionally, ask questions and take notes. Working in the government sector taught me “if it’s not documented, it didn’t happen”. This can be applicable to many aspects of professional and personal life. Another piece of advice is to hone in on your skills, take advantage of any opportunities you may have, and embrace challenges.

Q: What technologies and strategies do you use in your day-to-day work that are key to success?

A: I use Jira for Agile Project Management, which also helps our team work efficiently while maintaining direction. My calendar also allows me to stay organized when planning and moving from project to project. In addition to these, I use Slack to maintain quick communication with my team members.

Alexandra hiking in Pine, Idaho.

Q: What would you like to learn more about or incorporate into your daily work?

A: I’m a firm believer in “knowledge is power” and leveraging it into daily work. I currently have an MBA with an emphasis in Project Management and I am a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM). However, I plan to become a PMI Agile Certified Practitioner to further my knowledge and skills while incorporating this into my daily work, as GEO Jobe utilizes Agile methodology. Upon completion of that, I plan to further my education by pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration degree.

Q: On a more personal side, do you have a favorite newspaper, magazine, blog, or sources of inspiration?

A: A source of inspiration that comes to mind is Pinterest. It’s a great platform to find a mix of information that can be inspiring or useful. I find a lot of inspiration for DIY projects as well as tutorials, tips, and tricks.

Q: What kind of technology do you prefer and why? (Mac or PC, iOS or Android, and any another cool tech)

A: I prefer PC and Android because I have been using these technologies the longest. Plus, I find there is a bit more flexibility in comparison to Macs.

Alexandra’s aussie, Emma.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of the office?

A: I really enjoy traveling and have been to all but two states in the U.S. I also enjoy spending time with my children and my two dogs. I am an avid reader and I have a passion for music. When I’m not nose deep in a book, I’m learning to play the piano with the goal to write my own music one day. I also enjoy refurbishing furniture. I appreciate the reward of taking something old or broken and bringing it back to life.

You can connect directly with Alexandra and the GEO Jobe team, via connect@geo-jobe.com.

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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!