Web Maps for WordPress Pro Features Now Available in the Free Version

We have some great news for all WordPress users that use our free Web Maps for WordPress plugin! We are combining ALL of the features that were available from our Pro version into the Free version available in the WordPress plugin directory. The new update gives you custom searching of your ArcGIS Organization for public content, the ArcGIS Content Tree block, and the Add Content Slideshow block.

ArcGIS Organization Settings

After activating your Web Maps for WordPress plugin, You can click on the “Web Maps for WP” link on the left side of your Administration Dashboard, you can then set your ArcGIS Organization URL to later use with the Add Web Map / App, ArcGIS Content Tree, and the Add Content Slideshow blocks.

Web Maps for WordPress New Settings

Updates to Add Web Map / App Block

In the Add Web Map / App block, you can now toggle between the public maps available on ArcGIS Online and your own organization (as set in the Web Maps for WP settings) for ease of searching. Selecting your organization will also allow you to sort by your organization’s item owners for public content. In addition to selecting Web Map, you can also choose Web Applications, Story Maps or Dashboards.

Organization selection in the Add Web Map / App Block

Once you click on a map, you’ll have options to configure how it’s displayed, including its extent, size, and position.

Map Selection

You will then be able to see and use the Web Map / App within your WordPress site.

Interactive ArcGIS Story Map embedded with website content

ArcGIS Content Tree

This previously pro feature now available for free will display items in a group, items that contain a tag, items from all public content, or items from your Featured Content of the organization. First, give the content tree a title and choose how to display the content.

Selection for ArcGIS Content Tree Widget

On your site, you’ll have a list of groups that meet the selected criteria.

Content Tree as seen on web site

Clicking on each group will display the public items contained within, including a thumbnail and a link to the item in the organization.

Detailed Listing of Group Items after clicking the group

Add Content Slideshow

This new block imported from the Web Maps for WordPress Pro version allows you to create a slideshow of public maps or apps. You can choose to display items in a group, items with a tag, or items in Featured Content.

Selection Options for Add Content Slideshow

You will then get a slideshow showing the selected maps and apps, which are fully interactive and can be clicked to scroll through to view each one via navigational arrows.

More Info

If you are interested in trying the Web Maps for WordPress plugin for yourself, you can download it for free by visiting the WordPress Plugin Directory, or by searching for “Web Maps for WordPress” from your plugins directory.

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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!