GEO Jobe Welcome Ayden as Sales Associate

Ayden Rigby, Sales Associate

GEO Jobe is pleased to welcome Ayden Rigby as a Sales Associate. GEO Jobe has previously mentored Ayden as an intern, during which time he was able to develop a foundation of knowledge in GIS and custom software development. This experience pushed Ayden to want to study the topics further at university, he is currently pursuing his B.A. in GIS from the University of Southern Mississippi to develop his understanding of GIS further to support him in this role. Additionally, Ayden has several years of experience in sales and customer service that he is bringing to this role and is looking forward to developing those areas further through work with the enterprise team. 

“Ayden’s hire is a direct result of GEO Jobe’s mission to bolster the local community through prosperous tech jobs and expanding education around GIS. Ayden interned with GEO Jobe while in high school and now joins us as an employee as he finishes his college career. Ayden is bright, outgoing, and has the drive to excel in his new position. I am pleased to see him return and look forward to watching him grow and succeed.”  – Danny Menikheim, Director of Operations at GEO Jobe.

GEO Jobe is excited to see the team grow, year after year, with talented individuals. GEO Jobe continues to develop new approaches to aid others in the industry with their GIS needs. 

You can connect directly with Ayden and the GEO Jobe team via

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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!