GEO Jobe Welcomes Keith Volkel as a Support Technician

Keith Volkel, Support Technician

GEO Jobe is pleased to welcome Keith Volkel as a Support Technician. Prior to GEO Jobe Keith worked as a Table Games Dealer where he honed his customer service skills and communication. Keith has extensive experience in leadership and is self-motivated to grow and learn. Keith recently received a Tier 1 GIS  Support  Desk certification through a partnership between GEO Jobe, Accelerate MS, and Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. Keith represents GEO Jobe’s first hire from the certification program and they look forward to seeing him apply what he’s learned. With Keith’s experience, skills and background, he will be a valuable member of GEO Jobe’s support staff. GEO Jobe welcomes Keith to his new role and looks forward to his contributions to the company.

“Keith Volkel is the first hire as a result of GEO Jobe’s collaborative efforts with the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and Acclerate MS. Working with the college has been a great experience and we hope to continue that relationship for future hires moving forward. Keith has shown great aptitude and initiative and will be a great asset to the team.”  

– Danny Menikheim, Vice President of Operations at GEO Jobe.

GEO Jobe is excited to see the team grow, year after year, with talented individuals. GEO Jobe continues to develop new approaches to aid others in the industry with their GIS needs. 
You can connect directly with Keith and the GEO Jobe team via

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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!