Industry Outlook Video – David Hansen Discusses the ArcGIS Platform, Machine Learning, Drones & the GEO Jobe Road Map

GEO Jobe’s VP of Product Development, David Hansen, sat down earlier this year at DevSummit to discuss the GEO Jobe roadmap, the ArcGIS Ecosystem at 10.5 onward, industry trends, and growth potential in the traditional GIS and mapping industry.

From the Interview

David touches on a number of topics including machine learning and how the technology could be used in geotech, UAV as a growth segment, how GEO Jobe is working on the modern GIS platform, embracing the philosophy of the Science of Where, and GEO Mentorship.  Looking down the road, David provides some expectations for the GEO Jobe and the GIS industry over the next decade. He’s excited about growth opportunities that include more portal to portal collaboration, explosive growth in UAV data collection & 3D modeling, leveraging big data in machine learning and more. If you happen to meet David at DevSummit or EsriucUC these are great topics to get his attention with over a beer! He finishes up by revealing something you would never know about GEO Jobe.

GeoTech Down the Road

GEO Jobe is working hard to stay ahead of the curve, stay informed of industry trends, stay on top of technology, and most important, remain relevant in a rapidly changing industry. What are your thoughts about the future of GIS, the GeoTech industry, and the ArcGIS Platform? We’d love to hear from you. You can always comment below, reach out to us via our social media channels, or drop an email to the team (See Contact Us link, upper right).

You can connect directly with David Hansen on Twitter to discuss his thoughts. You’ll find him @dhansen601

Find this video on YouTubeGEO Jobe VP of Software Development, David Hansen and Glenn Letham discuss the direction of GEO Jobe in 2017 and moving forward, the ArcGIS Ecosystem and the Geospatial industry outlook as we head into 2018

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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!