GEO Jobe Announces New Esri Gold Partnership

GEO Jobe was founded in 1999 and first became an Esri Silver Partner in 2002. Over the last two decades GEO Jobe has seen massive growth in employees, revenue, product offerings, and overall global impact. Currently, GEO Jobe serves nearly 8,000 organizations that are all also Esri customers. As a result of this growth, it […]


Save Time and Money With User Stories

Have you ever hired someone to build a solution for you, only to get something that didn’t quite meet your needs? Perhaps you have gotten through a notable portion of the development cycle in a project, only to realize the requirements weren’t clear enough at the start. Maybe you’ve struggled with determining how to define […]


Making the point with UAV

A question came up recently in a conversation about the different products and stages of processing and presenting data captured by UAVs. I’ll use a recent construction monitoring project to demonstrate some nice examples of the various stages of the photogrammetric processing workflow. This will also show and describe some of the products and deliverables […]


GEO Jobe GeoDev: What It’s Like

Like many people working in a technical field, when the question “what do you do” comes up, I typically end up doing a fair bit of explaining. Sometimes the person I’m speaking with wants to know what GIS is or what type of development I do. Other times, they have questions about GEO Jobe’s products, […]


2020 Vision

What will the World Be like by 2040 for GIS Professionals? In 2020, we have seen how GIS has become absolutely ingrained in how the modern world works and operates. In another 20 years, what will GIS technology or the world for GIS professionals be like for them? We asked members of our team at […]