GEO Jobe at the 2018 Mississippi Geospatial Conference

As in previous years, GEO Jobe will be exhibiting at the Mississippi Geospatial Conference, organized by the Mississippi Association for Spatial Technologies, this week. Even more exciting, GEO Jobe COO, David Hansen, and a number of his team will be presenting talks while there.

This is a great chance to meet with our Gulfport, MS team, since the entire office will be in attendance. The crew will be meeting with conference participants to discuss our popular ArcGIS Online solutions and services. While at the conference, stop by and learn about the Admin Tools for ArcGIS suite of productivity tools for administrators (available Free, Pro and for Portal). Additionally, attendees can learn about our GEOPowered Cloud Managed Services for ArcGIS Enterprise, custom mapping solutions, and software development. Also, check out our busy UAV and aerial mapping services to support clients from a number of industry verticals (construction, agriculture, mining, facility managers, and more).

Furthermore, several GEO Jobe team members will be presenting at the conference:

  • GEO Jobe COO David Hansen will be presenting a talk titled “Professional Adaptation to Change in Geospatial Technology”.
  • Jr. Application Developer Courtney Kirkham will provide a talk titled, “Do Your Homework: Techniques and Resources for Self Learning”.
  • Our Sr. Front-End Engineer, Eric Goforth, will be presenting a session titled, “Using Esri Calcite to Improve User Interface Development”.
  • Project Manager Daniel Menikheim will present “Project Management for Geospatial Application Development Using the Agile Methodology”.

While at the conference, be sure to find us at GEO Jobe booth. Our team can answer your questions, provide demonstrations, share project success stories, and connect you with some cool GEO Jobe #MapThis swag!!

The Mississippi Geospatial Conference takes place October 11-12, 2018 at the Gulf Park Campus of the University of Southern Mississippi in Long Beach, Mississippi. The presentations will be held in the FEC Auditorium.

About MAST

The Mississippi Association for Spatial Technologies (MAST) has 100+ participants and averages between 20 and 30 members at regular meetings. MAST welcomes all to take advantage of this opportunity to meet and network with people in GIS & RS related fields. Members include of software developers, treatment environmental technicians & managers, order economic developers, pharmacy facility managers, oceanographers, city & county planners, tax mappers, 911 Coordinators, GIS specialists and more.

To learn more about the conference, visit MAST’s website.

See also our PR announcement HERE

GEO Jobe mast conference

Can’t catch us at MGC? We’ll be attending even more conferences this fall:

GEO Jobe GIS, UAV, and Geospatial Events and Conference Participation, Fall 2018

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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!