GEO Jobe Video – Discussing ArcGIS Open Data with Andrew Turner, CTO Esri R&D

While attending the 2017 Esri DevSummit our @gletham had a brief meetup with Andrew Turner of Esri. Recall, Andrew (@ajturner on Twitter) is the CTO of Esri’s R&D Center in Washington D.C. Andrew’s work focuses on cross-domain collaboration and democratizing the map making process creating open tools for cartography and analysis. Enjoy this early morning chat to learn more about Esri’s Open Data solutions including the Open Data portal, options for Government and NGOs and the resources that are available to start down the path to more openness and engagement with citizens.

About ArcGIS Open Data

ArcGIS Open Data is used by many thousands of  government organizations around the world, providing an easy and efficient platform for public data sharing and exploration. By working closely with government executive, staff, civic tech groups and local communities we are demonstrating the potential for public digital information infrastructure to fundamentally address and improve complex problems.

As part of your ArcGIS Online subscription, you can use ArcGIS Open Data to share your live authoritative open data. Esri-hosted ArcGIS Open Data gives you a quick way to set up public-facing websites where people can easily find and download your open data in a variety of open formats.

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