Leave the Driving to GIS

Image designed by Freepik  Having grown up on a healthy diet of cartoons and sci-fi shows, I have always been anxiously waiting for the things I saw on the screen or read in a book to make their way into my everyday life. The Jetsons promised flying cars with autopilot features. Many a summer Hollywood blockbuster […]


Wildlife Conservation powered by GIS

Protecting Nature for tomorrow Have you ever wanted to explore a  far flung location, see animals in their natural habitat?  When you think of the African savanna you think of the African lion, Rhinos, Cheetahs, and the African Elephant.  Or perhaps diving in the turquoise blue waters of the Caribbean among sea turtles coral reefs […]


Same Tools, Different Worlds

Have you ever laid in the grass on a warm summer night and looked up at the stars and wondered about what was waiting out in all that darkness?  Did you ever wonder what it would be like to walk on another world and look back at our blue-green world through another sky? I have […]


That Time GIS Stopped a Serial Killer

A crime happens and the chase to find the offender is on.  We have all seen our share of crime dramas, documentaries, and news stories. We have all heard of psychologically profiling offenders in order to understand what drives them to commit crimes. Psychology tells us that serial offenders are creatures of habit. They have a […]