Empowering The Science of Where through Partnerships; Esri 360 Video, Esri Startup GeoMarvel & Esri Partner GEO Jobe

Recently, we were fortunate enough to connect with the Esri 360 team at DevSummit to sit down and discuss a strategic partnership that Geo Jobe has nurtured with GeoMarvel, an Esri startup program member company. We share our outlook on The Science of Where, strategies and benefits of partnerships, going to market with ArcGIS technology, […]


andrew turner, esri open data

GEO Jobe Video – Discussing ArcGIS Open Data with Andrew Turner, CTO Esri R&D

While attending the 2017 Esri DevSummit our @gletham had a brief meetup with Andrew Turner of Esri. Recall, Andrew (@ajturner on Twitter) is the CTO of Esri’s R&D Center in Washington D.C. Andrew’s work focuses on cross-domain collaboration and democratizing the map making process creating open tools for cartography and analysis. Enjoy this early morning […]