Dev Summit: Growing Your Network

Esri’s 2024 Dev Summit was filled with a plethora of technical sessions and networking opportunities. The social Thursday night was amazing—offering a host of fun activities, including a dodgeball tournament, arcade games, a DJ, food, drinks, and much more! Esri went all out to make sure their users had a great time. During the conference, […]


Dive Into Dev Tools, Part 2: Elements

If you missed Part 1, you can read that here. Any modern browser you use to access the internet has something called “Developer Tools,” “The Developer Console,” or something similar. Collectively, these are commonly referred to as Dev Tools. Almost every web developer will leverage them, but how? In this article, we dive deeper into […]


Dive Into Dev Tools

Any modern browser you use to access the internet has something called “Developer Tools,” “The Developer Console,” or something similar. Collectively, these are commonly referred to as Dev Tools. Almost every web developer will leverage them, but what are they? In this article, we’ll give a brief overview of Dev Tools and their functionality. In […]


GEO Jobe Welcomes Kenny Tran as a Technician

GEO Jobe is pleased to welcome Kenny Tran as a Technician on their Profession Services Software Development team. Prior to GEO Jobe, Kenny was a Management Sales Assistant, this role gave him a unique understanding of customer satisfaction and networking. Kenny has a bachelor of science degree in Business and Marketing Management from the University […]


Git Good with Visual Studio Code

If you have read the previous articles in our series on Version Control and Git (Version Control Could Save Your Life, Are You Using the Right Type of Version Control System?, and GEO Jobe’s Guide to Getting Started with GIT), you should already be familiar with using Git in the command-line interface. Some people, myself […]


Type Tactically with TypeScript

Key Topics Outline Statically Typed vs. Dynamically Typed Languages What is TypeScript and How Does it Work Benefits of Using TypeScript Is that all there is to TypeScript? Statically Typed vs. Dynamically Typed Languages Integrating TypeScript with JavaScript can be tough or it can be seamless. It all depends on how you, as a programmer, […]


Take Your Tables to Top with Tabulator

If you are looking for an alternative to dgrid, then look no further than Tabulator. Tabulator allows you to create interactive tables from any HTML table, JavaScript array, AJAX data source, or JSON formatted data. It’s easy to use, has great documentation, comes with numerous pre-packaged themes, and more. There are many ways to include […]