GEO Jobe GeoDev: What It’s Like

Like many people working in a technical field, when the question “what do you do” comes up, I typically end up doing a fair bit of explaining. Sometimes the person I’m speaking with wants to know what GIS is or what type of development I do. Other times, they have questions about GEO Jobe’s products, […]


jeff lawrence

GEO Jobe Team Spotlight – Meet Jeff Lawrence, sUAS / UAV Business Development

GEO Jobe’s UAV Services Group launched about 2 years ago, expanding our professional services offerings in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flight planning, data analysis, and aerial mapping. The UAV Group provides orthophoto planimetric mapping products, rectified mosaics, digital surface models (DSM), digital terrain models (DTM), and 3D models as well as UAV data hosting & image […]