Video – Enhanced Security for ArcGIS Server – security.manager in a Nutshell

Recall, recently, GEO Jobe announced a partnership deal with con terra, making security.manager ArcGIS Edition more accessible to the North American market and beyond. By becoming an official re-seller of con terra Technologies, GEO Jobe now offers security.manager to existing and new customers both in the US and globally. What is security.manager? This demonstration video from […]


GeoGeeksinCars Video Interview – GEO Jobe in Cars with Jeff Dahlke, Remote Geosystems Inc., Colorado

Enjoy this video interview from a visit to Fort Collins, Colorado where I met with Jeff Dahlke or Remote Geosystems, an Esri small business startup program member company.  The company specializes in Aerial, Drone & Mobile Geospatial Video Mapping Software & Video Recorders for Critical Infrastructure Inspections. Recently, Remote Geo announced the availability of LineVision […]


andrew turner, esri open data

GEO Jobe Video – Discussing ArcGIS Open Data with Andrew Turner, CTO Esri R&D

While attending the 2017 Esri DevSummit our @gletham had a brief meetup with Andrew Turner of Esri. Recall, Andrew (@ajturner on Twitter) is the CTO of Esri’s R&D Center in Washington D.C. Andrew’s work focuses on cross-domain collaboration and democratizing the map making process creating open tools for cartography and analysis. Enjoy this early morning […]