#GeoGeeksinCars at Esri EPC – GEO Jobe in Cars Rides with James Pardue from ikeGPS

Enjoy this video interview from the 2018 Esri EPC & DevSummit in Palm Springs, CA with guest James Pardue from Esri Business Partner, ikeGPS.

Filmed on location at the 2018 Esri Partner Conference (EPC) in Palm Springs, California. Join Glenn (@gletham) for a ride with James Pardue, VP of Sales at ikeGPS. James tells us all about the very cool ikeGPS hardware (Spike) and the recently announced, huge integration with Esri’s Survey 123. Enjoy the ride

About Spike from ikeGPS

Use of the Survey123 integration with Spike will be of particular interest to organizations that routinely utilize mobile workflows for asset and facilities management, field asset inventories and inspections, damage assessments, and tactical operations including disaster response. Using Spike with Survey123 relieves fieldworkers of the burden of carrying paper maps to find the object of interest and lugging multiple pieces of specialized, expensive measuring equipment. Instead, with just a single mobile device, fieldworkers can locate the correct asset, record measurement data, and report accurate data directly back to the office. Spike’s laser can be used in ranges from 6 to 650 feet, with the option to select units of measurement in inches, feet, meters, or centimeters. With it, a single fieldworker is able to more quickly and safely accomplish what may otherwise have taken multiple field staff and costly equipment. The Spike laser device mounts to smartphones and tablets and connects via Bluetooth with the mobile device’s camera. Survey123 with Spike runs on Apple iOS and Google Android smartphones and tablets. The GEO Jobe UAV Services group might be interested in this solution also!

To find out more about how Survey123 for ArcGIS with Spike can digitally transform your organization, visit ikegps.com/esri-survey123/



See more video interviews HERE and see also this GeoGeeksinCars archive on YouTube.

Glenn, our GEO spatial evangelist, hits the road periodically to take in GIS events (like the GIS in the Rockies event in Denver, CO, ESRIUC, Esri DevSummit) and is always glad to try and connect with ArcGIS users, GeoTech enthusiasts and GeoGeeks from all walks. If you’d like to do an interview with him comment here or tweet us @geojobegis or @gletham to connect.

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From our GEOPowered Cloud to custom solutions, GEO Jobe is committed to showing clients how geospatial thinking can guide them to save time, money, and make better business decisions. The power of GIS, Simplified!